martes, 4 de diciembre de 2018

Short Story "The Snowman"


Follow the instructions 

Activity 1: Speaking
  • The teacher will introduce the book "The Snowman" by Raymond Briggs. 
  • We will show our students the book's cover  and they need to think what is the book about.

Activity 2: Reading and listening
  • Students will read the short version story and they will highlight the words they don't know.
  • The teacher will read the short story.
Activity 3: Writing

Activity 4: Vocabulary
  • Match the flashcards
  • Find the words on the wordsearch puzzles

Activity 5: Pronunciation
  • We will watch Jolly Phonics "s"
  • We will focus on the following words “snow, snowman, snowflakes, snowball, sun and scarf” and our students need to make sentences with this words.
Activity 6: Vocabulary
  • Hangman
  1. We will project the hangman game and we will play like a TV show.
  2. We will make 3 diferent groups. 
  3. Each group will get a point for each word guessing. 
  4. The team with more points at the end wins.

jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2018

Christmas Speaking


1. Listen what Mr. Snowman ask you.

2. Prepare your answer in a Power Point presentation.

3. Give a short presentation to your classmates.

Christmas Vocabulary